Our clubs meets at:

Southbank: Mission to Seafarers, 717 Flinders Street, Docklands

Southbank Orbit Millenial Satellite Club: Online

Southbank CEO Satellite Club: Online

Please check our club meetings & events schedule for more information.

Posted in President's Weekly News

Southbank's launch of 'A Little Ray of Giving'

Posted by Amritpal Singh on 14 December 2018
Ray White Southbank organised the launch of the 2018 'A Little Ray of Giving' on Friday afternoon, 14th December 2018 where there was free bianco latte ice-cream (gold coin donation), Santa greeting patrons + children and Rotarian Anne Mitchell from Rotary Club of Carlton & Steps Outreach Service as guest speaker.          'A Little Ray of Giving' is Ray White's very own community charity initiative where offices acro...

Tucson cruises to Southbank

Posted by Amritpal Singh on 11 December 2018
Southbank Conversations & Meetup is our club's 'informal meeting' where it gives an opportunity for club members to catch-up (including Rotary Family & Friends) and to also discuss about projects (planned or idea initiation) at the Belgian Beer Cafe, Southbank when we don't have our formal meetings scheduled. On Tuesday 11th December 2018, Rotarian Drew Vactor and his wife Honorary Member Kandie Vactor from Rotary Club of Tucson, Arizona U.S.A (chartered in 1921...

30 Years of RAGMSA (Rotarian Action Group of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness)

Posted by Amritpal Singh on 4 December 2018
We had the honour and privilege to have Past President Martin Taurins and Rotarian Diana Taurins from Rotary Club of Gisborne to talk about their journey with Rotarian Action Group of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness (RAGMSA) and how the formation evolved for the past thirty (30) years on Tuesday, 4th December 2018. Photo from left to right: Past President Martin Taurins, Rotarian Diana Taurins and our very own Past President Steven Aquilina Their late son, Past President Jacob Ta...

2018 RYLAian from Southbank

Posted by Amritpal Singh on 2 December 2018
Rotary Club of Southbank sponsored Grace Sheehan for this year's 2018 RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award). It is a residential camp unlike any other. Over seven days, participants are immersed in a program centered around  four key themes: Challenge by choice, diversity, community and time out. We give young people aged 18-25 the opportunity to step away from the distractions of their busy lives and provide the space to think about what is important to them. Grace enjoys playing...

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2018

Posted by Amritpal Singh on 20 November 2018
Part of our club Constitution dictates that the club is required to hold an annual general meeting within five months after the end of the association's financial year which is by 30th November latest every year. This year's Rotary Club of Southbank's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Tuesday 20th November 2018 at the Belgian Beer Cafe, Southbank whereby the election of the 2019-2020 board was conducted. This included the Presidents report (Immediate Past President Liam ...

Prancing in the Park for Polio

Posted by Susie Cole, Catherine O'Connor, Amritpal Singh on 17 November 2018
On Saturday 17th November, District 9800 came together to help take the fight right up to Polio with the very first End Polio Prance. Forty-one (41) Rotarians and Walter the Great (Polio) Dane pranced their way around Albert Park Lake in Melbourne on beautiful morning that raised $103,512.75 give or take a few cents.      Thanks to District & Foundation funds PLUS the matching 2:1 donation from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, we were able to reach...

Learning about Garlic in South Gippsland

Posted by Amritpal Singh on 5 November 2018
It was a memorable and fulfilling vocational excursion visiting our club member Rotarian David Jones in South Gippsland to learn about garlic on a cool plus windy Saturday morning on 3rd November 2018. David explained how his wife Kirsten and him embarked this journey being garlic farmers and the obstacles they had to endure. With number of trials and errors, they found their formula and got going with production about eight (8) years ago. He also demonstrated the technology behind the end...

Artists IGNITE through ART

Posted by Amritpal Singh on 26 October 2018
Ignite is a joint project of Rotary Club of Melbourne and Arts Access Victoria. This new partnership between Rotary Club of Melbourne and Arts Access Victoria, the State's leading arts and disability organization which delivers community arts and cultural development programs for more than 2,000 people with a disability, aimed at securing employment outcomes. Photo: Participating artists from the IGNITE program It also supports artists with a disability, enables Rotarians ...

Festivities of Oktoberfest 2018

Posted by Amritpal Singh on 26 October 2018
Shirin Geisel was a German Youth Exchange Student from Germany (sponsored by our club) and during her stay here, she initiated the Oktoberfest festivities which started way back on Tuesday 29th October 2013. Since then, our club has kept this tradition going where it is a night filled with culture, fun and laughter. We had the fifth (5th) Oktoberfest celebrations on Tuesday night 23rd October 2018 and twenty-six (26) people came along to learn about beers from the Belgian Beer Cafe hos...

Continuation to grow and improve

Posted by Amritpal Singh on 19 October 2018
On Tuesday 16th October 2018, Rotary Club of Southbank had its second (2nd) face-to-face board meeting where we had a number of observers who came along to discuss on the successful first (1st) quarter that just past and future plans for the remaining 2018-19 year. Various topics surrounding the five (5) areas of service which includes club administration, membership, community, international and youth was bought up to understand potential opportunities that lies ahead. This includes l...

Members Words

I was tired of feeling like there were issues i...

Sally Page


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Contact the Rotary Clubof Southbank Inc.

President: Jaqui O'Donohoe

Secretary: Stuart McArthur

Our club meets at:

Mission to Seafarers, 717 Flinders Street, Docklands (or Online during Covid-19) Tuesdays 6.30pm

Southbank Orbit Satellite Club of Millenials: Online (Fortnightly: Thursday 6.00pm)

CEO Satellite Club: Online (3rd Thursday: 7.30am)

Please check our club meetings & events schedule for more information