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Home >  Blog >  Indian Night in Southbank for a cause

Indian Night in Southbank for a cause

Posted by Amritpal Singh on 4 May 2019
Indian Night in Southbank for a cause

Club First Lady Saira Griffin and I attended Rotary Club of Central Melbourne's 'Oh Kolkata!' fundraising event on Saturday 4th May 2019. You guessed it right, it was a night of celebration with an Indian flavour designed to raise funds for their international project in Kolkata with the Rotary Club of Calcutta - Victoria and Sierra Madre California.


The Kolkata project will provide an opportunity for under privileged men and women to receive training in basic skills to enable them to find employment. Over $5,000 dollars was raised through donated auction items from India and sponsor throughout Victoria. We thoroughly enjoyed the night and thank you President Neville Taylor and members from the Rotary Club of Central Melbourne members.

Special mention to Peter & Sue Duras for inviting us to their lovely home for this special night!


Photo from left to right: Sue Duras, President Neville Taylor and Peter Duras

Author:Amritpal Singh
Tags:Supporting Causes that matter to youPresident's Weekly News

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President: Jaqui O'Donohoe

Secretary: Stuart McArthur

Our club meets at:

Mission to Seafarers, 717 Flinders Street, Docklands (or Online during Covid-19) Tuesdays 6.30pm

Southbank Orbit Satellite Club of Millenials: Online (Fortnightly: Thursday 6.00pm)

CEO Satellite Club: Online (3rd Thursday: 7.30am)

Please check our club meetings & events schedule for more information