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Rotary Radio And Facebook Communication - 2 Bright Ideas!
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5 August 2018

Rotary Radio And Facebook Communication - 2 Bright Ideas!

By Brownyn Stevens, District Governor, District 9800

Travelling up and down the Calder highway and east to west across the Westgate and being made so welcome in our Clubs is a joy and privilege. May I start by saying "thank you" to the Rotarians and Club boards that have welcomed Mark and I at your meetings.

It is my intention to share in these reflections great ideas. In this year of "Being the Inspiration" it is my hope that our communities will have the opportunity to share in Rotary service, that we won't be hidden and contained as the best kept secret, but will, as the words of Past District Governor Neville's daughter Kat John's glorious song words chime, "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine".

Bright idea No 1.

Rotary Radio on Friday evening is a great way to share our Rotary stories. It is also the perfect medium to ask for assistance to get ideas from a wider audience. Broadcast live on Friday eve­nings at 6pm it isn't perhaps a convenient time to listen in, but on podcast at the District 9800 website, or downloadable via iTunes at any time it is interesting, engaging and helps us get to know our Rotarians, their projects and needs better.

Yesterday I listened to Rotarians Against Malaria guru - Rotary North Balwyn member Bill Oakley. Not only did I get to know the man better but heard what is happening at the RAM space. I now appreciate what the need is in the malaria space particularly in our near neighbours.

Resoundingly the word from 2018-2019 Presidents and borne out by their support of each other at Club Changeover events is collaboration. This is something that Rotary International President Barry Rassin would be delighted with. It will foster sustainable and impactful projects.

In the words of Rotary Glenferrie President Charles Tran while being interviewed by Ian Salek on Rotary Radio "Rotarians are dream makers - they make dreams come true." Charles is 34 year old and only joined Rotary 4 years ago. He described his Club when he first visited as friendly and welcoming. He was delightedly shocked at the enormous number of projects they were doing. Charles focus in his Presidential year is collaboration ....

So listening to the podcasts is fascinating, diverse and very worthwhile.

Rotary Melton Valley shared with Mark and I that the local Mayor is welcoming homeless and disenfranchised youth in their space. They are feeding them and giving them a sense of purpose. Rotary can go forward with the community in designing a facility to really manage this community need. The Club are needing skills, resources, Clubs and agencies that have done this before to assist. If they shared this on Rotary Radio what could be possible?

Rotary Radio - https://rotarydistrict9800. org. au/sitepage/rotary-radio-94-1fm/podcasts-2018---2019

Contact David Proud, Ian Salek or Jonathan Sheppard and make yourself available for an interview on Rotary Radio if you have an idea or need that you would like to share.

Bright Idea No. 2

Our District 9800 Discussion Facebook page is being embraced by some Clubs as a medium for sharing their good news stories, events and projects. With over 750 Rotarians subscribed it's a great communication tool. The ground rules are that only Rotarians are invited please to this page - it is for our communication.

Bronwyn Stephens

Members Words

Rotary as an International organisation is by-p...

Kay Ledson


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